

Holly Morningstar
Megacon Floor Plan! Here’s the floor plan for Megacon.  I’m really close to the same spot I had last year in the Pink section. This year, I’m Pink 14. Remember, if you stop by my table and mention following me on any kind of social…

Megacon Floor Plan! 

Here’s the floor plan for Megacon.  I’m really close to the same spot I had last year in the Pink section. This year, I’m Pink 14. Remember, if you stop by my table and mention following me on any kind of social media, you’ll receive a gift from me :)

Only 30 days left! See you there :)

Holly Morningstar

What I’ve been up to lately! I’ve been terrible about keeping up with the blogging…I fully admit to posting on Twitter more frequently. However, it’s my goal for 2014 to be a more consistent blogger :)

Anyway, starting from top to bottom:

Magic Lanterns, watercolor, 22"x30" – original $1500

Munchkins, watercolor, 18"x24" – original unavailable

Doomsday, watercolor,  – original $1500
“Doomsday” is actually 2 paintings (one of the Doctor, and one of Rose) that have been framed separately. Each is 11"x30" not including frame and mat size.

Light in the Dark, watercolor, 13"x19" – original unavailable
I felt so many feels while I was working on this! FFIV is the first RPG I remember getting sucked into, and that was when I was 6 or 7. While I was painting it, I listened to the game soundtrack and just had a great nostalgia-filled time. I will love Cecil and Rosa forever!

Holly Morningstar

“Magic Lanterns” initial sketch and how it’s turning out so far as a watercolor painting.  It has a long way to go, but has been so much fun so far. Just hate the cloudiness of the cellphone pics. So many vibrant colors that are present in the painting are missing in this photo :(

Holly Morningstar

I started sketching what will eventually be a watercolor piece at my artist alley table at AWA over the weekend! It was by far my favorite convention I’ve done to date, and I hope to see everyone again next year!